Keeping furniture clean not only makes the piece more attractive, but lengthens its lifespan immensely. While cleaning a whole house’s worth of furniture can represent a major undertaking, it doesn’t have to be a hassle. In most cases, regular dusting and vacuuming in combination with semiannual deep cleans will keep your furniture looking fantastic.
- 1. Vacuum it. Regularly vacuuming your furniture is the easiest part of keeping your furniture clean. Make an effort to clean the cracks and crevices of your furniture between cushions, like the areas where the arms of a sofa meet the back. Take the cushions off, too, and vacuum all sides of them.
Check the tags for guidance. If your furniture needs a solvent-based cleaner, you’ll want to purchase and utilize that; if your furniture calls for water-based cleaner, you can easily make that at home. If you no longer have the tag, consult a professional.
- W means: Use water-based detergent.
- S means: Clean with a water-free product, like dry cleaning solvent.
- WS means: Either a water-based cleaner or a water-free cleaner is appropriate.
- X means: Professionally cleaning only, though feel free to vacuum it. Keep this is in mind when purchasing furniture.
3. Create a water-based cleaner at home with dishwashing liquid. Fill a spray bottle with water, then add a couple drops of dish detergent—liquid, not powder. A capful of white vinegar and a few pinches of baking soda in the mix will combat odor. Shake it up well
4. Test the detergent mixture in an inconspicuous spot. Dip a sponge into the detergent mixture and rub some of it onto the back or underside of the upholstery – somewhere where it is not likely to be seen. Wipe the spot dry with a cloth and then let it air dry completely. If any discoloration occurs, don’t use the detergent mixture. Consider instead having the furniture cleaned professionally.
5. Dampen stains with a sponge. Use a sponge to rub your mixture into the furniture, and pat the upholstery dry with a cloth as you work. Allow the detergent to sit and penetrate for several minutes on any stains or tough spots.